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Cycling sports - Mountain biking itinerary

Le vieux Savasse

  • Distance16 km
  • Duration1h30
  • TypeCircular
  • DifficultyModerate
  • Total altitude change+ 250 m
  • Departure/arrivalSavasse
  • Route markingYes

Savasse is a village perched on a mountainside, its stone streets and ramparts bearing witness to its rich past. This family-friendly itinerary takes you up to the heights of Vieux Savasse for the best view of the village.

Découvrez les ruelles perchées du vieux Savasse, son belvédère sur la Vallée du Rhône sans oublier quelques passages sur chemins boisés, paisibles et sans difficultés.

Our tips

  • Details about route marking :
    Balisage bleu n°14

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  • Exemple sur Android : Ici
  • Exemple sur IOS : Ici
  • Find the GPX viewer: here Ici

Drôme Tourisme cannot be held responsible for any problems encountered along the route. 

Any problems encountered can be outlined here:



Author: Conseil Départemental de la Drôme - Apidae Tourisme

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