PressAs a group
Beaufort sur Gervanne
Office de Tourisme du Coeur de Drôme Pays de Saillans
Historic site and monument


26400 Beaufort-sur-Gervanne

Its dominant position offers the view of the visitor an exceptional view from the Vivarais, Vercors to the Saoû mountain. Inside its well-preserved ramparts to the north, it offers a beautiful example of a village grouped around its castle.

Of Beaufort's ramparts, built in the 14th century on a spur overlooking the Gervanne, a large part of the enclosure, two towers and the base of the imposing keep remain. Thriving since the 15th century, the mainly Protestant village was ruined by the Wars of Religion and its castle dismantled in 1581. With great courage, the people of Beaufort rose again in the 18th century. Reflecting their energy, the church built in 1849 seats 250 and is the largest building in the valley. But Beaufort was not finished with the war: in 39-45, 47 inhabitants joined the maquis, and the village was bombed and pillaged.
Today, tourism and economic activities are thriving, and Beaufort has lost none of its dynamism.

Our services

  • accepted animals

Further information

  • Restaurant
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  • Pets welcome
  • Guided tours
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And especially
  • Special solo
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All year round, daily.


Free access.


Updated on 11/05/2019
Through Office de Tourisme du Val de Drôme
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