PressAs a group
Cycling sports - Cycle tourism route

La vie du Rhône

  • Distance27,4 km
  • Duration2h
  • TypeCircular
  • DifficultyVery easy
  • Total altitude change+ 88 m
  • Departure/arrivalPierrelatte
  • Route markingYes

An easy, gentle family loop to the Rhône and the Donzère-Mondragon canal. From both banks of the Rhône, after Pierrelatte and its Rocher (listed site), you'll discover Bourg-Saint-Andéol, one of the oldest towns in the Vivarais...

Our tips

  • Details about route marking :
    N°80 vert sur balise La Drôme à vélo
  • Références topographiques :
    Bons Plans Drôme

To see the GPX, download the application

  • Exemple sur Android : Ici
  • Exemple sur IOS : Ici
  • Find the GPX viewer: here Ici

Drôme Tourisme cannot be held responsible for any problems encountered along the route. 

Any problems encountered can be outlined here:



Author: Conseil Départemental de la Drôme - Apidae Tourisme

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