PressAs a group
La Fabuleuse

La Fabuleuse

Equestrian sports, Equestrian centre
La Fabuleuse
320 chemin de Grosse Pierre26170 Plaisians

La Fabuleuse is a breeding farm of ponies and horses for sport and leisure, in the middle of olive groves, a creative and welcoming equestrian farm nestled in the hills of the Baronnies provençales, at the foot of the Ventoux in the pretty village of Plaisians.

Breeding of sport and leisure ponies and horses (Welsh/Connemara/Iberian)

On-farm hospitality: hikers' bivouac, unusual bed and breakfast, social and therapeutic farm hospitality for day or overnight stays.

Donkey rental to accompany your hikes.

Equestrian activities for children aged 12 and over:

Horse riding

Equine education and mediation using an ethological approach, themed workshops for all levels: how to learn to read a horse's behavior and communicate with it, first steps with a horse on the ground, training young horses on foot and mounted...

Introductory and advanced training in nature riding and trail riding techniques, with a respectful approach to the animal.

Production and sale of Nyons olives and olive oil.

Further information

  • Motorhomes allowed
  • Horse hotel
See more
  • Equestrian sports
  • Equestrian centre
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Spoken languages
  • Italian
  • English
  • French
See more


From 01/04 to 31/10/2024.


Adulte : Location d'âne bâté : 48 € la demie journée // 60 € la journée // 55 € à partir de 23 jours
Promenades à cheval à partir de 12 ans : 55 € - 2h // 70 € - 1/2 journée // 90 € - journée complète
Ateliers initiation et perfectionnement équitation de pleine nature / médiation équine / éducation équine: 1h30 - 40 € // 1/2 journée 65€.

Payment method : Check, Cash, Credit transfer


Updated on 14/11/2023
Through Office de Tourisme des Baronnies en Drôme Provençale
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