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Pedestrian sports - Hiking itinerary

Les crêtes de Praloubeau

  • Distance11.11 km
  • Duration4h30
  • TypeCircular
  • DifficultyModerately difficult
  • Total altitude change+ 700 m
  • Departure/arrivalJonchères
  • Route markingYes

The Diois becomes part of the Baronnies on this path... or the other way round. The plant and geological battleground between the Mediterranean and the Alps rages on for 3 km on the panoramic crest, where peonies brighten up the field of...

Wild peonies, known as officinalis, thrive on this long ridge, on the ascent to the Col de la Motte and on the descent to the Col de Volvent. From mid-May to mid-June, this large flower, which is nationally protected, graces the edges of the trail with its crimson hues.

Our tips

  • Details about route marking :
    Balisage jaune (PR) et poteaux de signalétique directionnelle.
  • Références topographiques :
    Topoguide "Le Diois à pied - Aux sources de la Drôme" de la Fédération Française de Randonnée.
  • Map references :
    TOP25 IGN3238

To see the GPX, download the application

  • Exemple sur Android : Ici
  • Exemple sur IOS : Ici
  • Découvrir GPX Studio : Ici

Drôme Tourisme cannot be held responsible for any problems encountered along the route. 

Any problems encountered can be outlined here:



Author: Conseil Départemental de la Drôme - Apidae Tourisme

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