Musée d'Archéologie Tricastine
Semi-permanent and themed exhibitions. Collections related to the Tricastin area, some items of which are unique in Europe. Conferences, guided visits, workshops and 3D reconstruction with the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset.
Located in the heart of Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux, the Musée d'Archéologie Tricastine traces the history of the Tricastin region from prehistory to the Middle Ages. The current exhibition "Vivre et Mourir en Tricastin de la Préhistoire au Moyen Âge" ("Living and Dying in Tricastin from Prehistory to the Middle Ages") reveals the funerary rites and daily life of the Tricastin inhabitants, thanks to a number of remarkable objects. These include a 108 m² mosaic and a Hebraic Holy Ark dated 1451, the only one of its kind in France. Throughout the year, the museum offers a variety of events to explore the rich history of our region.
Please note
- EN FAMILLE Ateliers d'été : Le musée propose une gamme d'ateliers autour de différentes thématiques. Les enfants de 6 à 12 ans découvrent le quotidien des populations du passé ainsi que le patrimoine qui les entoure. Sur inscription au 04 75 96 92 48 ou par mail à 1 € par enfant et par atelier
Our services
- Wi-fi
- Coach parking
- Air conditioning
Further information
Closed temporarily.
Full price: 3.20 €
Reduced price: 1.10 €.
Group rate available for > 12 people.
Payment method : Check, Bank/credit card, Cash, Credit transfer
Through Office de Tourisme Drôme Sud Provence