Parcours Contrebandiers - Les Parcours de Valence
Pedestrian sports, CoursePhone04 75 79 20 00
WebsiteSee the website
Smuggling was made famous in Valence by the execution within its walls of the most popular bandit of the 18th century: Louis Mandrin.
Illegally arrested by French troops in Savoy, he was taken to Valence to stand trial before the Valence Commission, which specialized in smuggling cases. Renowned for its ruthlessness, the Commission condemned Mandrin to be roasted alive in the Place des Clercs. In 1755, the event attracted thousands of onlookers. However, no sales of contraband products were ever organized by Mandrin in Valence's public squares. It seems that these bandits carefully avoided the town center, where the dreaded Commission was based, by taking the Chemin des Contrebandiers. Along the way, you'll come across caves cut into the molasse of the Lautagne plateau, which may have served as hiding places or storage areas for illicit goods.
Allow around 1h30 for running.
All year round.
Free of charge.
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