PressAs a group
Sustainable tourism

Even on vacation, I’m eco-friendly

I respect the playground given to me by nature. Welcome in the Drôme!

affiche mobilite durable

For my travel

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affiche achats responsables

For my purchases

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affiche loisirs et activites

During my visits and activities

  • I respect the natural environments around me, their rules and regulations.
  • I stay on marked trails.
  • I keep my dog on a leash and I get informed on the prohibited areas where it’s prohibited.
  • I respect the private properties as well as the work of the farmers (I do not pick sprigs of lavender, I do not pick fruits from the trees, etc.).
  • I respect the fences, I close each fence behind me and stay away from the herds to not worry any possible guard dogs.
  • I don’t pick up any wild flowers, plants or make any noise to protect wildlife.
  • I help maintain the cleanliness wherever I go and I throw all my waste into the garbage can.
  • I do not throw away cigarette butts and use a pocket ashtray.
  • On a picnic or on a walk, I bring reusable water bottles, cutlery, etc. rather than plastic containers and cans.
  • When surrounded by nature, I do not start fire or barbecues to avoid destroying wildlife.
  • To preserve the quality of rivers and their ecosystem: I don't build dams, throw waste, I avoid walking in the water and I try to use environmentally friendly sunscreen.

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In my accomodation

affiche energie

Energy saving tips

  • I switch off all lights once I get out of a room and use natural light as much as possible.
  • I switch off all electronic devices when not in use, even those on standby mode.
  • I close the shutters and curtains during the day in summer and I air out in the morning or evening.
  • I turn off the air conditioning or heater when I am away or when the doors and windows are open.
  • When I cook, I do not forget to put a lid on the pans.
  • I start the dishwasher only when it’s full and on the eco program.
  • For the washing machine, I choose a short cycle and low temperature.

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affiche eau

Water saving tips

  • I turn off the tap while brushing my teeth and  while washing my hands.
  • I favor showers, and turn off the water when I wash myself.

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affiche tri

Tips for recycling and reducing food waste

I sort my waste and respect the local sorting instructions, indicated in my accommodation.

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