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Les Sources de la Drôme

Les Sources de la Drôme

Les Sources de la Drôme
Le village26310 La Bâtie-des-Fonds

At the water sound, the visitor is invited to discover the valley. The progression is on pontoons, history and discovery’s games through an interpretation path where men and plants show the history of the place. Explore in family!

Springs and the village, have an intertwined history.
In fact it is not one but several springs that ooze trough the valley. Real oasis, indeed but where the generous waters make the marly ground particularly instable … the earth slides … witnesses tell.
Vegetation lives in the ruins.
It is not easy to guess the place of ruins and the form of the old village in this vegetation tangle!
Which is related to wetland or to human presence, the vegetation has something to say as an indicator of the double identity of the site: springs and men.
After the visit of the valley, continue your explorations, through the different facets of the commune of La Bâtie des Fonds: the hamlet of Chamel installed on its pass, the altitude marsh of Carabès (site natura 2000) or hikes in the area (Roc de la Tour or Montagne de Banne).

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Updated on 26/03/2015
Through Office de Tourisme du Pays Diois
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